Oh My Rockness Email Introductions

We just added some more free summer shows to our free summer shows list. And that got us to thinking about free, and how much free rules. But that thinking went and unblocked an unpleasant memory we pleasantly repressed. You see, we then started thinking about this book we checked out from the library one time as kids that was called “Free Stuff for Kids.” The title pretty much tells you the book’s story; kind of one trick pony, without any free ponies for kids. In that book, we found out some company was giving away real, authentic pinhole cameras just for kids. Wow! So we did not hesitate. We filled out all the necessary paperwork (never understood why they needed our SSN# and mother’s maiden name for a free pinhole camera, but whatever) and fired off the form straight away to the address provided.

And then we leaned forward on our tippy-toes near the mailbox and we waited. We waited like we’ve never waited before for that free pinhole camera just for kids. We waited for days….for weeks….for months….and wouldn’t you know it…that free pinhole camera just for kids…never came. It never came. And we still aren’t quite over it. Sometimes at a show we’ll suddenly just start crying; and it’s not because we’re moved by the music, or sad another band has yelled at us for not dancing or not moving up or whatever it is we’re not doing that they want us to do. No, we cry for the camera.

Of course, it was only much later, when we were able to face it again, that we looked inside the front cover of that “Free Stuff for Kids” book and saw that it was published in…1964. So that made more sense. But what’s the point of all this? The point of all this is this: #1) our free shows list is up-to-date and #2) we never learned how to take a decent concert picture because of that damn pinhole camera that never came. Red eyed people and thumbs in the corner. That about sums up the pics we take at shows. Red eyes and thumbs. So in closing, screw you, “Free Stuff for Kids.” Thanks for ruining our life.