Oh My Rockness Email Introductions

Guess what happened to us last night? We finally met someone who reads these weekly e-mails! Wow! The fateful encounter happened right after riding the tea cups on our brisk walk over to the ducky boats. This person noticed the Rockness shirt we always wear everywhere and they said, "I read that e-mail sometimes." Wow!

Of course, we tried to play it cool with this person and not let this reader's reverence get to our head (we prefer our beanie size to stay at 7 and 5/8ths, thank you very much). Yet we thought it was important, VITAL even, to give this fan the thrill of a lifetime. So we casually leaned an elbow on the side of the inflatable Krazy Kastle and slyly said, "Since you're such a fan, here's what we will do for you --- we're going to let you tell us what to write about in the next --- here it comes now --- in the next Rockness e-mail introduction! How about that! Huh? How about that!"

We then prepared to wait for their initial wave of euphoria to pass, as surely they'd be too stunned to reply with remarkable adulation right away. Surprisingly, their euphoria passed rather quickly. The reader immediately replied, "Oh, I don't read those intros. I just skip straight down and skim the 'Just Announced' section and maybe that 'Free Shows' thing." Devastating...

But rather than give in to the pain and allow the leak forming in our eyes to become a steady stream, we got defensive. We said, "But the intros are filled with so many really radical words! Words we right-click on to find the synonyms Microsoft Word finds most appropriate! And not only that, our intros tell you about all the good bands playing this week like Anamanaguchi, Free Energy, Casiokids, Boys Noize, Cold Cave, Forest Fire, and Blind Man's Coulour and---"

Before we could finish, the fan had sauntered off to the Wacky Shack, leaving us to our leaking eyes which quickly became the river that turned into the flood. And there wasn't a dam anywhere in this site's sight. C'est la vie. (Microsoft Word says that foreign phrase is more appropriate than WAHHHHHH!!!!!!).