Oh My Rockness Email Introductions

Did you know that right now a bunch of people in pleated power pants (the khaki kind that come with a free cell phone attached to the belt) are sitting around thinking a whole lot about you? Yes, they are. They're sitting in their stainless steel hermetically-sealed "think tanks" tossing a Koosh ball and trying to figure out what the "young tastemakers" who go out to "the rock concerts" to listen to "the groups with the beards and such" are into so that they can better market their soup, shoes and shampoo (made from 100% purified cobra lube!) to you. So, in the spirit of St. Russell Stover, we thought we'd make their jobs a whole lot easier and tell them straight out everything we all love. You know, just the obvious stuff.

Brand Loyalty Cultivation: The Interaction, Integration and Infiltration of the Concert Kids Infrastructure: A Granular and Scalable List: Part One:

Rain Sticks. Fruit Roll-ups© as fashion accessories. Occasionally replacing "Ss" with "Zs" to achieve "young-speak." Picklez. Any and all things Brian Dennehy. Calling concerts "shimmysham-shindigs." Tuning in to cross-platform punctuation shows like "Save my Bath!" and "Who Dat?!" Frogz. Carbon footprint-less footwear such as invisible stonewashed socks. Carpri Sun + Taurine + Sanka + (your alcohol) mixed beverages we call "shimmy-synergy drinks." Referring to our closest friends as "T-Birds." Foreign films featuring dolphin themes. Dolphins on denim. Just dolphins in general. Using emotionless emoticons like the colon : Visiting anti-social networking sites such as italktowalls.com and stuccoabovemybed.com. And, of course, desktop calendars of kitties dressed as superheroes.

Follow the above love list, and all you marketers can sit back, relax, and enjoy the monetization and incentivization of your B2C infrastructure. And if you see us at
School of Seven Bells, Titus Andronicus, Chairlift, or M. Ward/Vivian Girls this week, make sure to holla at your T-Bird. Happy Valentinez Day!